8 Tips and Tricks for Skiing in Powder Snow

Skiing on powder snow found at the slopes of Niseko in Japan is difficult at the beginning. But once you understand the proper methods, you will instantly enjoy the sensation that makes a lot of skiers constantly look for that kind of rush. To help you achieve proper skiing postures and technique, here are the 8 tips and tricks for skiing in powder snow.

1. The Two Foot Approach

Whenever you ski on powdery snow, try to put more balanced pressure on both skis. This can be achieved by using a two-foot approach as this will help create a bigger platform for you to stand on.

2. Round Turns

Make your turn form a letter ‘C’ as this will make you turn more smoothly, rather than turning up your skis too quickly which always results into falling face first into the snow.

3. Ski with Rhythm

Make rhythmical turns while skiing over powder snow as this will carry over your momentum from one turn to another.

4. Have a Tighter Core

Keep a tight core just in case you hit an unexpected bump since powder snow makes it almost impossible to see what is underneath it.

5. Be mobile and alert your feet

Move your feet to keep balance continuously as you enter snow. Slow down by pushing both feet ahead by a little and pull them back under your body when your skis bounce back over snow.

6. Narrow it down just a little bit

Niseko ski instructorsteach their students to do a wide stance as it will cause more stability, but narrowing one’s stance a bit while riding over powder snow will keep your skis from changing direction.

7. Select the best terrain for yourself

Powder will slow skiers down, so set aside your instincts and go for the steeper snow terrain as it will be the easier path to ski.

8. Wider skis rock

Like all experienced skiers in Niseko and all over the world, skiing on a pair of wider skis proves easier to handle as it help stay afloat and minimizes the effort to achieve a smooth run.

Now check out how the pros do it!


Posted on 07 October, 2014 by Jackie in Travel Tips, Videos, Winter.